About Me

Saturday, October 8, 2016

My Trip to The Philippines

                      Over the summer this year, I went on vacation to the Philippines for the 4th time in my life. I always love going on vacation to the Philippines because I get to meet all my family and get to experience a lot of things that you would normally not experience on a daily basis in the United States. While I was there, I got to go surfing in the beaches of Baler, Bamboo rafting at the national park of Minalungao, and go to the coolest waterpark in Northern Luzon, Poracay! But the best of all, I met my all time favorite celebrity, Darren Espanto on July 3rd. it was an amazing experience and going on vacation this year to the Philippines was an unforgettable 1 month. :)


  1. The Philippines sounds really awesome the way you wrote about it, how old were you when you first went there? Also I've never heard of Darren Espanto, what's he famous for?

    1. I was 4 years old when I first went to the Philippines! And Darren Espanto is famous for singing, he was the runner up for The Voice in the Philippines.
